SDCA 2022-2023 Strategic Work Plan

Purpose: This strategic  work plan has been developed by members of the 2022-2023 SDCA Board at the annual board retreat,  in order to provide a disciplined approach to the management of SDCA over the next year.
Mission Statement: The mission of the South Dakota Counseling Association is to enhance the quality of life by promoting the development of professional counselors, advancing the counseling profession, practicing to promote respect for human dignity, and supporting cultural diversity.

Strategic Area I: Continuing Education/Trainings 

   Provide Quality Continuing Education

    1. Continue to provide free monthly contact hours to members- non-members may attend at the rate of $20 per contact hour offered.

    2. Provide other webinars as requested by members- Ethics/Supervision/Etc

    3. Fall Training-Heroic Imagination Project-September 2022 
   Attract and Engage Quality Presenters.
    1. Provide a stipend for webinar presenters.

    2. Offer a discounted conference rate for conference presenters. 

  Increase Conference Attendance by 10% per year for the next 3 years.
    1. Continue to offer a Group Rate for conference 

    2. Increase marketing of event through news media and social media

    3. Have keynote booked by end of October every year

Strategic Area II: Membership Engagement

   Increase Awareness of Member Benefits.

    1. Increased Social Media

    2. Postcard marketing for special events

    3. Personal contacts

   Targeted Marketing
    1. Marketing campaign for non-members 

    2. Foster relationships with other organizations/agencies/non-profits

   Increase Membership Retention
    1. Promote advantages of membership

    2. Provide additional sense of community for members

    3. Increased communication with members.

Strategic Area III: Legislative Advocacy

   Increase Grassroots Efforts 
    1. Provide quarterly education to members about legislative issues

    2. Increase Member Involvement in Cracker Barrels and in Day on the Hill

Strategic Area IV: Public Relations and Community Education

    Increase Visibility

    1. Develop Relationship with public media (KELO, SDPB)

    2. Engage in at least one volunteer event per region utilizing the Chapters

    Foster Relationships with other Nonprofits
    1. Volunteer event with one local non-profit

    2. National/State non-profits

    Develop Materials For Consumers
    1. Counselor Database-consumers could find a counselor in their area-SDCA members would be able to op-in

    2. Day on the Hill